vineri, 3 iulie 2009


The Accomodation Fee is:
30 lei per night at room
9 lei per neight at tent

Participation Fee: 10 lei

Some Details!

There is not building like the TEAM BUILDING!!

This summer all you AIESEC’ers around the World are invited to the most awesome Motivational Conference ever: AIESEC Olympics!!! Bring your LC on the Romanian Seaside, and build a team.. Underwater!

From 20th till 23rd of August, at “Delfinul” Campus, Navodari City, Romania! Discover the Poseidon in you and you can conquer even Atlantis!

Subscribe here

Brought to you with special delivery from AIESEC Galati, AIESEC in Romania

Poster No.2

miercuri, 24 iunie 2009

miercuri, 17 iunie 2009

Olympic Spirit

Would you fancy this type of Challenge at the @lymp-X??

luni, 15 iunie 2009


In 10-15 days we will finish the @lymp-X site, and then the registering will be open. So stay hot on your toes!

One love, underwater!
Peace out!

Tease Please!

vineri, 12 iunie 2009


God said: "Let there be water"
And then AIESEC Galati said: "Let there be @lymp-x"
OC, 3.14

Stay tuned for hot news and hot people!!

Ce frumoasa e conferinta mea!!